The Day My Life Changed Forever: Part 2

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On January 15th, 2022 we just received the most devastating news of our daughter Piper’s MRI results. They couldn’t rule out a tumor but that she needed emergency surgery to relieve the pressure on her spinal cord. After my world fell apart a nurse came into the room because of my cry of pure grief. She came in the room to tell us that we was doing what was best for her to get her to the best hospital for her injury. She steady us. My husband went to make calls in the bathroom like that would help me from seeing his brokenness. But I could hear his calls to family members and his tears through the door. It was his own way of dealing with everything. I called my own family. I was completely broken, falling apart over each phone call. I remember my call to my mom because she seemed so calm. She hadn’t seen Piper because she had been caring to my other two children.

‘The next few hours was a blur. Things seemed to move in slow motion but fast at the same time. The air flight nurse came to talk to us since they would be flying her out. They moved her to the pediatric intensive car unit where her room was flooded with doctors and nurses. They put in a central line and many others. They had us in the lobby waiting. They had us come into the room and it was surreal to me. It was like a real life situation to me right then. You finally realize this is an emergency situation. My daughter looked peaceful surrounded around the chaos. We got to say our goodbyes. I’m not even sure she heard them, but I remember telling her that we would meet her there. I walked out of that hospital a different person and the old me was gone.

We met my mom downstairs to drive us and we saw our child’s helicopter leave the roof. I couldn’t hardly contain myself on the drive. I cried most of the way, scared of the unknown. My mom remained calm while me and my husband’s tears flowed. I got the call that she had made it and she was in the PICU. They told me where to go. It was dark by the time we got there. We finally made it. It took some time before we was allowed to go upstairs since she was becoming unstable. My husband’s mother finally made it and we went upstairs. Due to COVID restrictions we was only allowed four people on the list so that was myself, husband, my mother and mother in law. We walked into the room and it was full of doctors and nurses again. They had to put her on high flow oxygen. Her little body on that hospital bed just so peaceful but she was fighting for her life. It is an image I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out of my head. My mother went to her bedside and finally realized the intensity of her injury. It hit her like a boulder of emotions. She had to step out of the room to collect herself and my mother in law went with her. My husband and myself talked to the neurosurgeon. During this time she went into distress and they got permission from us to place her on a ventilator. They intubated her.

At this time, it was now January 16th and the neurosurgeon took us into a different room and went over her MRI in more depth. He said that he ruled out a tumor due to her being an extremely health child prior and it wouldn’t make sense without the injury that she would have all these symptoms. He said that she had a complete cervical spinal cord injury and to give her the best chance she would need a decompression surgery to put the pressure off her spine. We all broke down and I remember him asking if we would like someone to speak with or a pastor. My husband and myself instantly said no. Now, I am a firm believer in our Lord Jesus Christ and our Holy Father God. But, I was so angry with him. I didn’t want to speak to him. I know we aren’t supposed to question him but I couldn’t help myself. Why her?

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One response to “The Day My Life Changed Forever: Part 2”

  1. Stephanie Midkiff Adkins Avatar

    You are one of the strongest women I know. I’m putting you #2 to endure this terrible accident. My Mom was #1. I pray for you every day and your families. I’m very touched you have shared the roller-coaster ride you have been dealt. I know God is hearing our prayers. I believe in miracles. I hurt for you in my ❤️. May God bless your families. God will continue with blessings.